Commissioned: Daniel and the Lion and Home-themed Papercuts

This weekend has been extra busy for me as I’ve been finishing papercuts for colleagues and friends. On saturday alone, I was able to finish these 2 pieces:

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (The “Lord” cutout is in the banners but barely seen on this photo. Apologies for my poor photographing skills).


The house papercut is a gift for a family friend while the black one is commissioned. The client requested for this specific design from Lois Cordelia which she found online.

Making the black piece was a tough one. If you know me well enough, you’d know that my drawing skills are quite challenged. My solution was to trace the design on black paper then cut it. I added the text at the bottom which was requested by the client herself.

Personally speaking, I would prefer doing my own design. In spite of my drawing ability, or lack thereof, there’s freedom in sketching and cutting your own design and it’s much more gratifying to see the finished product. Admittedly, some of my papercuts are inspired by what I see online, but I always make sure that my personal touch is still present.

At the end of the day, though, be it a requested design or my own, I still enjoy cutting and producing art with endless possibilities from plain paper. And based on other papercutting or craft blogs in general, I find that I am not alone on this 🙂